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Article: We’re All In This Together

We’re All In This Together

As we practice physical distancing, we hope you and your community are staying socially connected and finding creative ways to keep busy. See how Team MPG is staying inspired and focused from home, as we all do our part to flatten the curve.


“I’ve been taking more time to cook good food from scratch. Baking bread only takes about fifteen minutes of actual work (sorry, no sourdough here), is easy to sneak in between meetings, and leaves my “home office” smelling like a bakery for the rest of the day. Oh, and it tastes pretty good too!”

- Lochlin, Sr. E-Commerce Manager


“Our kitchen island has become the shared workspace during home quarantine. The kids do their online learning and at-home projects while I work remotely beside them. Let’s just say I have a whole new level of appreciation for teachers!”

- Maria Miller, Director of Sales


“To stay sane, I try to leverage this opportunity to be as productive as I can be. Between doing little projects here and there, and watching online free courses, I have been teaching myself a fun skill or two. After a month, I've taught myself how to write with my left hand. Will I actually ever use it? Probably not, but now I can say I'm somewhat ambidextrous?”¯\_(ツ)_/¯

- Yani, Web Graphic Designer


“Thankfully, not a lot has changed for me by having to work from home. But while I can’t destress after work by hitting the tennis courts yet, I take a break by swinging around and hammering out a quick tune on my piano (I might just have to set up a keyboard at the office when we all get back to our usual routines!)” 🎹

- Kyle McKiernan, Web Content Manager


“I’ve been using the time I save on commuting each day to start a new morning ritual that sets up my day for success. It’s been great following along with the MPG Sweat From Home Series to get a workout in before I start my workday.”

- Kelly Kormylo, Brand Marketing Manager


My husband and I have been making time to get outside for a run before the day ends. It helps to calm me down during these high-stress times and I always come away with an appreciation for just how wonderful life is.”

- Ween Eusebio, E-Commerce Account Coordinator


“As I am working with prints and patterns from home, my kids get inspired and start painting beside me. We are all being very creative and playing with color 🎨.”

- Melina, Designer


“I’ve been teaching myself to play guitar again. Music helps provide comfort and reduces my stress and anxiety during these uncertain times. It’s one of my passions and helps me connect with my artistic and spiritual self. And, it’s so much fun 😊.”

- Hannah, Merchandiser


“On the way to a video conference call, my wife busted me with this photo. I’m embracing the new work-from-home routine with a business on top (Modern Ambition), comfort on the bottom (MPG) approach.”

- Tony Lavilla, Art Director


“My new Dachshund coworkers have been a little disruptive. They leave toys lying around, they bark too loud and they’re constantly sleeping on the job 😉. After my workday, I keep from going stir crazy by walking with my wife and our dogs, playing video games and working on a bathroom renovation in our house.”

- Devon, Graphic Design Supervisor & Photographer


“I’ve been quarantining at my sister’s house, so it’s been fun to workout together to de-stress and spend time with each other after the workday! Since I don’t have my usual equipment and weights here, it turns out my 8-month old nephew is an excellent alternative 👶!”

- Cassidy, Content Marketing Specialist


“I love wearing my MPG Strive leggings during the day, especially in the Neutral Tie-Dye print. They’re beyond comfortable and I’m ready for my post-work walk as soon as I clock out.”

– Cindy, Designer - New Development


“To keep my energy levels up, I try to get in an hour-long workout during my lunch break. I’m really into all the free live workouts on Instagram that are bringing people together during these hard times. I especially love @myfituals which incorporates cardio, toning and sculpting. Her classes keep you focused, motivated and connected to a strong community!”

– Stephanie, Assistant Designer


“Even though I miss my daily face to face contact with people, I try to embrace the amazing virtual opportunities to communicate and deepen my relationships with coworkers, family and friends. Taken from my home office, this photo captures me checking some exciting new prints that we’re developing for Fall 2020.”

– Gordana, Designer

Brand Marketing Team

“We like to take our team meetings outdoors when possible, to stretch our legs and get some fresh air. It’s a great incentive to get out of your pajamas and often provides a much needed laugh or two. Like a few days ago when we discovered we were all wearing the same leggings.”

– MPG Brand Marketing Team


“While staying connected to my co-workers throughout the day, I have been spending time with my new “co-worker” Macy, my 5-year old rescue pup. She enjoys joining in on video calls, checking emails, and falling asleep while she’s looking out the window. It’s nice to have her company while I am staying home and staying safe.”

– Rennaye, Sustainability & Compliance Specialist

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